GOTO Zurich for Leaders is the combination of break-through technology with management 3.0 and leadership. As a premier software conference, GOTO Zurich for Leaders cultivates this combination. When creating the GOTO conference, we strive to design a specific program for leaders to foster all aspects of excellence. GOTO Zurich for Leaders emphasises the presentation of the latest experience and trends in leadership and management, to unleash the full potential of software development.

Presentation: "KEYNOTE: Accelerating Agile"

Time: Thursday 09:00 - 09:50 / Location: To be announced

Over the last three years I have re-evaluated a lot of my assumptions about software delivery, and in particular many of the agile methods I had been espousing as good practice. I have tried to capture what I was learning in the form of patterns - repeatable strategies that work in a given context - which I called Patterns of Effective Delivery and which have evolved into Accelerated Agile. Where the original agile methods of the 1990s were about reducing delivery turnaround from years to months, Accelerated Agile is about reducing that from months to weeks or even days. In many cases we don't have the same constraints - organizational, operational or technical - that we had 20 years ago so I think it's time to step back and take a fresh look.

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Dan North, Agile troublemaker, developer, originator of BDD

Dan North

Biography: Dan North

Dan writes software and coaches teams in agile and lean methods. He believes in putting people first and writing simple, pragmatic software. He believes that most problems that teams face are about communication, and all the others are too. This is why he puts so much emphasis on "getting the words right", and why he is so passionate about behaviour-driven development, communication and how people learn. He has been working in the IT industry since he graduated in 1991, and he occasionally blogs at

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